Public Meeting #3

January 13th to February 3rd, 2021

Welcome to the recap page for the third and final public meeting for the Hickory Flat Area Plan!

Below you will find the two presentations and participation activity that was conducted from January 13th to February 3rd.

Results from these activities will be posted here once complete so be sure to check back later.

  Part 1: Video Presentations

Presentation #1 of 2

Introduction and Previous Meeting Recap

In this video, we review the previous meeting and introduce our last public meeting.

Presentation #2 of 2

Market Study - Part 3

In this video, Gary Mongeon with KB Advisory Group shares the last installment of the Market Study presentations and focuses on forecasts for the Hickory Flat study area.

  Part 2: Public Responses

Following the video presentations in this third meeting, the public was offered two surveys to respond to what was shared. The results of the second meeting’s Community Preference Survey and the Vision Statement for Hickory Flat were presented and discussed.



The following statements were created from the public input received from the Community Preference Survey and other discussions through the public meeting process.

  1. New parks in Hickory Flat shall be largely passive and not be dominated by active uses such as sports fields. Land shall be minimally developed with large spans of preserved open space. New tree plantings and landscape beds can be provided to soften any required development of these spaces. Common elements of a new park include paved pathways, seating, lighting and architectural elements such as gazebos, fountains and shade structures.

  2. New nature trails shall be harmonious with the natural areas they locate in by meandering amongst protected natural features such as wetlands and mature trees. Development shall be minimal and avoid tree clearing, grading and other forms of impact. These trails shall be hard surfaced or natural and wide to accommodate differing user groups such as walkers and cyclists without conflict. Benches, trash cans and shade structures shall be occasionally provided for users.  

  3. New sidewalks and street-side pathways shall be located in sensible locations that link prominent community assets such as schools, parks and libraries. Adequate width will allow for multiple uses and be hard surfaced with concrete or asphalt. These shall be separated from roadways with sizeable landscape strips featuring trees, shrubbery and/or turf. Lighting shall be provided for increased safety as well as protective barriers in necessary locations.

  4. New homes and residential developments built in Hickory Flat shall be of a rural/agricultural style with focus on tree preservation areas, open fields, turfed lawns and scattered tree plantings.  Sidewalks shall be provided in communities with home fronts addressing these pedestrian areas while garages and vehicle areas do not dominate front yards.

  5. The term “mixed use” for Hickory Flat means a small-scale, gathering space in a central location, composed of shops, small offices and full-service, sit down, full-service restaurants; not necessarily uses stacked upon one another and not featuring a large, multi-family residential component.

    These new commercial or "mixed use" areas shall have a “Main Street” feel with a rhythm of small, differing store fronts and rooflines but long, uninterrupted facades and rooflines shall be prohibited. Appropriate materials are those that were historically available such as brick, wood and stone but not stucco, vinyl or similar.  Buildings shall be no more than 2-3 stories and shall be not be painted in garish colors. Developments must place emphasis on the pedestrian with vehicle areas not dominating the site. Parking areas near buildings shall be separated by ample distance to allow for walkways, trees, landscape beds and street furniture such as benches. Outdoor seating and gathering spaces shall be required in all commercial developments.

Public Approval for Land Use Statements

This bar graph demonstrates the level of approval in percentages for the 111 public responses to the five land use statements


A Vision Statement for Hickory Flat has been created using the words and statements provided by the public in the first two meetings.

The Hickory Flat Community is:

  • Deeply rooted in its history of rural and natural open space.

  •  Connected through strong social networks that enhance the family-friendly, village feel.

  •  Centered on great local institutions, such as schools, recreation, the library, churches and the fire station.

  •  Growing in a managed way that preserves the unique elements of the community, while bringing desired amenities and infrastructure improvements.


Public Approval for the Vision Statement

The percentage of public approval for the Vision Statement for Hickory Flat from 77 respondents

  Part 3: Activity

Future Land Use Charrette

This activity built on the exercises conducted at the first two public meetings. Members of the community shared their current perception and future vision of the area along with their wish list of what they’d like to see in Hickory Flat. The second public meeting featured a community preference survey that dove deeper into the finer details of the public’s wants and needs.

We asked the public about five locations in the study area that are under development pressure. Respondents were tasked with carefully analyzing the location, surroundings and connections of each site to make a determination on what the best use(s) are for each. The images presented were ones that were the most popular from the Community Preference Survey of Meeting #2.

Results will be posted here once analyzed.